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Is it safe to meet the photographer in 2021 COVID-19 pandemic? Updated at 30/9/2021


As a newborn photographer, Janice has implemented health risk screening, and strict hygiene procedures. Janice will be fully vaccinated by 5th Oct 2021. Janice will also take covid test regularly to make sure she is healthy. 


Janice will be more happier to see clients to get fully vaccinated before coming the session. The business will reopen from Friday, 5th Nov 2021. 


Can I make a booking?


Welcome to make bookings with Janice now for sessions after 5th Nov.


What actions will you take for Covid 19 infection control?


I am constantly keeping up to date with the current government advice and have completed and obtained a certificate from the Australian Government in Covid 19 Infection Control. (Yiran Gu is Janice's official name on passport)


The studio will be deep cleaned before and after use, it includes sanitizing the chairs, table, door handles, props, camera and equipment, etc.


Janice will be wearing a mask during the whole session, to protect newborn baby and the family, also herself and the business. 


Janice will only take limited sessions per week and will never let different families meet each other in the studio at the same time.


What should I do if I would come for a session?




Janice will also be requesting that parents do the following to support her;  to protect her, her family and her other clients so Janice can continue to photograph this special time for as long as possible.


-Immediate family members only to attend. So please no aunties, uncles and friends to attend. 


-If any immediate family is sick or unwell or has travelled to high risk countries or been in contact with any at risk persons to please let me know so we can make necessary arrangements to reschedule. If anyone turns up unwell the session will be rescheduled.


-wash your hand and sanitise upon arrival and as you leave. Also throughout the session, especially after touching your face.


-to wear fresh cleaned clothes to your session that have not been in public areas


Thank you for cooperation


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